Wednesday 23 October 2013

Idea for Final Analysis

My idea for my final analysis would be the court scene from Iron Man 2, With Tony Stark as the main character played by Robert Downie Jr
I chose this scene from the film because unlike the rest of the film it is not action packed or stuffed with special effects, instead it is the development of the characters.

I would chose the following theme, Worry and Laughter.

I would also chose the following categories to analysis this scene with Mise-en-scene, Performance and Cinematography.

The reasons I chose these forms of analysis would be because for Mise-en-scene I can point out the location of the scene and how it is used to express hidden meanings such as oppression, being sentenced etc.
I would also point out about the use of make up and hair, that it makes him look more confident or cocky.
I would also then use the last point being Roberts use of facial expressions and his body language to move swiftly onto the Performance of Robert himself. 

I would briefly describe what he has done to prepare for the role previous to production. I would note that this genre of film (action) requires what I think, the least amount of acting skills out of all genres, but this scene requires a certain amount of acting skill.

Lastly I would analyses the Cinematography. First I would mention that the use of space in the scene is well done mainly with the distance of shots. But also the camera movement too. I would also mention the Lighting with this analytical theme, Ie. the way that they use the main three to produce the least shadow to amplify the face of the characters.

1 comment:

  1. Class Performance - First Half Term Summary:
    Krys, your aspirational grade is B/C, but I feel you should be aiming for a Grade A this year. Your initial work (prior to absences) was of that quality, and I'm pleased to see you have caught up with work on you blog (more detailed comments on those shortly). You have had a recent setback with more lessons missed due to injury.

    Your presentation on 'Iron Man 2' as a potential sequence to analyse for your written analysis generated useful discussions, and allowed you to possibly tighten the focus of your analysis (and determine a clearer theme/emotion to work with).

    You have missed a homework on creating a 'Creative Project' proposal. Please can you make sure this is completed by the end of this week.

    TARGET: Catch up with homework missed. Attend all lessons. Start to use the 'stretch and challenge' section of the blog.
